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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The whole enchilada

Unless you go to the Reece's Rainbow site you wouldn't know what I am going to say. We have debated and discussed and even today I have changed my mind on the right way to do this. So here it is. My wonderful blessing of a new son that God is giving me is HIV positive. You may think so what, no big deal, I wasn't planning on exchanging blood or bodily fluid with him anyway. Or you may think keep him away from me and my children. Or you may just feel nervous because you have never been confronted knowingly with coming in contact with someone with HIV. Whatever your reaction is I understand that we as humans cannot help what comes from our fleshly thoughts. However, I hope that if you are feeling something negative or fearful that you would of course pray about it and then do some research to help you understand why you need not be fearful.

I struggled because the protective side of me wants to say I don't care if someone wouldn't want to be around my son that would be their loss. But I know that most of the people that would read this are people I do care about and love so it would also be my loss. So with all that I decided to be out front now about this. That gives you time to educate yourself on how hard it actually is to get HIV without exchanging needles or doing something immoral. Mostly I want anything negative to come at me not at my son who has never known life outside a country that thinks he is worthless because he has a blood disease that he did nothing to get and can do nothing to get rid of. A country that would put him in a cage they call a bed and lock him in a building or throw him out on the streets and will not allow him to have a job to feed himself. I know our country isn't perfect and neither are we but I hope that he doesn't have to see that kind of prejudice from people we call family or friends.