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Friday, July 27, 2012

Opinions and beliefs...whew!

I'm sure you have heard all the hoopla going on about Chik-fil-A. Nothing new really. New person/company...same issue. Liberal vs Conservatives / Christians vs non Christians or Homosexuals vs. Heterosexual or the supporters of whatever camp you are in. Now I don't believe in World Peace, not that I wouldn't like it to be possible, more that I know it won't be. But I do believe that you can have a different opinion then someone or even a different moral belief then someone and still be able to truly and wholly love that person. Yet, it seems to be so difficult to actually see that happening. At least in the social media.

I'm pretty vocal in what I believe, at least I'm becoming more and more so. Why? I'm old and I don't care as much what people think of me any more or I really know what matters or maybe I just talk to much. I'll be honest. I'm conservative, pro-live, pro biblical view of marriage and pro the word of God is literal and true. I wouldn't think anyone that knew me would find any of that surprising. What I am not though is anti--- I'm not anti Liberal or anti homosexual or anti non christians....okay I am anti abortion..... but I'm not anti pro-choice people. What I mean is I'm not against people that think differently then me. As an American I believe wholly in Freedom. I believe you are free to have your opinion, belief, life in whatever way you choose as long as you don't violate the laws of this country. However as a Christian I still believe you can do those things but if they go against the mandates of the Bible I believe you would be wrong. Not as in I have to be against you but in that you are in direct opposition against a Holy God. That is what I believe. It defines me and it defines what I do.

So the point....do we hate each other because we are different? Do you hate me because I have a belief that doesn't match up to yours? Should I hate you? Do we really think we are going to agree with anyone about everything? Here's the kicker....really this is what it boils down to for me......if I disagree with you, and I actually feel like the issue matters enough to tell you I disagree with you....it's because I care. Really!!! I have never walked up to a stranger and told them that I don't agree with them. I also don't comment in issues I don't care about. Like that whole team whoever vs team whoever. Didn't like/dislike or comment even once.

But, this issue...the whole Chick-fil-A, gay marriage ect issue, well it involves people I love and, that makes it hard. Not hard like I don't love them, but hard like I hope they know I do love them even if we are worlds apart on this issue!

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