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Friday, January 18, 2013


Going back to some old news...for us anyway.....regarding HIV.....what's it like living with a child with HIV?
Well first we did alot of research....then we thought of all the situations/possibilities and did more research. We made all these baggies up with rubber gloves, alcohol wipes, bandaids and paper towels...put them in our cars and diaper bags and made sure we always carried one and then.....Judah came home. At first we were a little nervous with the first few cuts....we still always practice universal precautions because...why wouldn't you? But now except for remembering to take meds twice a day we rarely even think about it.

Why? Because it is really no big deal. For one Judah's viral load is zero....They actually had to send his DNA to Mayo clinic to find the HIV cells...he had 3 tests come back negative! But even if that wasn't the case...we found out that we rarely have any blood contact anyway. Just like any kids he sometimes cuts himself or scratches something that bleeds. But my kids all know to get me and I handle it. Others have been with him and they have handled it too. Noone was freaked out or even thought it was a big deal. I have actually been shocked by how little anyone is even concerned with it. We have been very open to the point of telling probably too many people and except for some questions we have never NEVER had anyone act like it was a big deal. (that is not always the case but we are surrounded by some pretty amazing people).

So why am I bringing this up? Well now that Judah and Sasha are home :) I prayed about advocating for other children. I prayed that God would show me the one....and .....the only reason this precious munchkin is available for adoption at such a young age is that she is HIV positive. That's it. Crazy I know. So now that you have heard over and over about how it is so easy to manage what's keeping you from going to bring this sweetie home?

Zara 9HA

Zara was born in September of 2011.  She does not have any siblings.  Her character is described as ‘calm’.  One additional photo is available.  She is under the supervision of doctors due to the presence of an infectious disease.  She is registered for adoption because the biological mother abandoned the baby after the birth and the father section of the birth certificate is blank.


  1. Thanks for the info! I'm pretty sure I'll adopt a kid with HIV or DS or something, and i've been testing out my friends by saying "If I adopt a kid with HIV, you'll let him play with your kids right?" and thankfully they've all looked at me like I'm crazy and said "um, Of course. That's a non-issue"

  2. Molly....you have great friends!!

  3. That is great that Judah is doing so well and the baby is adorable!!!
