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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I'm doing something my mom always told me not to do. I'm publicly announcing that I am leaving town. Not just town but the country. Of course we have someone staying at our house so if you have any ideas that a family with going on 9 kids has anything worth taking (hilarious laughing) then just know that our Andy Griffith video collection will be closely guarded!!!

In less then 7 days we will be headed overseas to bring Judah home!!!!! And in less then 7 days I will be getting in a plane to fly over an ocean to get in another plane to fly over some land and then fly in some more planes when we come home. I hate to fly!!! But I love to go places and I love the blessing of new children so I guess the plane is like labor for me.  Hard and long but worth it in the end. Oh and I pray scripture nonstop on the plane unless I'm sleeping. I remember going to Liberia to get Patience and having this really amazing Jesus talk with the person next to me. She told me that the pilot wanted to get to our destination as badly as I did. I told her that the pilot wasn't in control of the plane...God was. So one theology discussion and several hours later and we landed :)

So the countdown has begun and the to do list is getting bigger. Oh and does anyone else have to do lots of  weird things before they travel like return all your empty cans and clean really weird things that you never clean? Really what I want to to do is just curl up on the couch with my kiddos and spend time with them because I am going to miss them like crazy. God has really been putting this in perspective for me. He is only asking me to leave my children for a short time and then I get to come home and be with them again and I get this amazing blessing of a new son for that little bit of sacrifice. Many people leave their children to go to war or to find work, because of an illness, a divorce or because they are in prison for their faith. So while I'm super excited for this adventure that God has us on I'm already looking forward to being home again to the amazing life, home, friends and family that God has given me.


  1. Can't wait to see him in your arms!!!


  2. Congratulations! Praying for a quick in-country process and smooth bonding/attachment! She has waited so long!
