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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hating orphans

Horrible title but it fits what I'm going to post here. I may have mentioned before that there are actually groups of people that hate adoption. These sad people have grouped together to harass adoptive families and try to do what they can to stop adoptions. I'm pretty sure these same people would be pro abortion and extrememely worried about the carbon footprint used by large families. However, those are just my thoughts and I can't speak for every anti adoption person. I do know though that they hate orphans. Oh, that's not what they would say. They are so misguided many of them say they care about the orphans

I have seen copies of posts and have had a couple sent to me spewing ugliness and horror stories about adoption. Can I say that every thing they say is a lie? No. But they use a little bit of truth and stretch it and then add their own hate filled agenda and send it to families that are giving all that they have to save these children. Thankfully I'm a cynic and the remarks to me have done nothing but strengthen my resolve that adoption is a blessing from God. But, some families are hurt, slandered and harrassed throughout their adoption. Pictures of their precious children are posted and ridiculed. Blogs are closed and families work to keep their personal information private. This is a battle and we understand that we are fighting for souls. War is ugly. Eternally wages will be paid and for those opposing God's will their will be gnashing of teeth.

So why am I posting this here? I want anyone who reads this blog but may not be in the intimate groups of adoption to know. Your prayers are important. The process is more then tons of paperwork, even more money, sacrifice and at the end tons and tons of JOY!!! It is a day by day battle with the dark forces of this world. There are flesh and blood people doing all they can to stop adoptions, to hurt adoptive families and to oppose the will of God. Our God is not worried and neither am I, just as Daniel was not worried in the Lion's Den. However, he wasn't worried because He knew who God was. He prayed and he trusted. Please, please, please remember to pray for adoptions. When you see your child or any child remind yourself to pray for those who have no childhood. Who sit and wait and wait for a family. For those that will never have that family. Pray for those on the battlefield and those that have fallen (yes some people get so crushed in the process they dont' finish the race) I am not exaggerating how hard it can be on some families. Sometimes it's easy and it all comes together. Sometimes every resource is tapped and finally it all breaks apart.

And even though in my flesh I want to forget to ask this last request...please remember to pray for those that hate orphans. Paul hated God's people and our God turned that around in a mighty way. Our God is not limited by our sin or is He surprised by it. He tells us to pray for our enemies and since He lives in me I will pray for those that hate the very thing I love. I hope you will remember to pray too! That is how battles are won!


  1. I'm so sorry that those of you who have taken on one of the most challenging (and perhaps most rewarding) jobs possible have been targeted by such ugliness. I am also saddened that I am unable to follow the blogs of families who have gone private in response to these attacks. I hope that those who choose to keep their blogs public realize that they are educating the public as to the plight of these kids. They are also doing a great job of showing that kids with disabilities are people too. It's an important job - thank you all!

  2. That makes me so sad! From the time I was a young child, my grandmother stressed the importance of supporting orphananges and families who adopt. She herself was adopted by a grandmother after her father died and her mom couldn't support her and her sister during the great depression era. If their grandmother hadn't taken them they would have gone to an orphanage in Dallas, Texas. She was always so thankful of her grandmother for taking her and she always supported orphans homes during her life because she understood just how close she came to being one herself. That could happen to any of us today. Not exactly the same as the depression era, but times are tough and if there is a tragedy in a family, things change in a hurry. In many cases, our country's social assistance programs can help our children stay with family, but in other countries, this isn't the case. Some people just take for granted how good their life has been, they have no idea how just one second can change everything and their whole world is turned upside down. Thank you for being someone who has made a difference. I always wished I could have. I couldn't adopt, but I can pray and I can advocate and support families that do.
