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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Seen and not heard

I remember as a child hearing that children should be seen and not heard. I took offense at that because I was a child myself! I still think it is an offensive thought and unfortunately one that seems to be making a comeback.

When we go out we attract a little attention. For one I have about the cutest children in the world. And two there are a few of us. Mostly though it is because we are loud. Sometimes we are loud because we are just having fun and sometimes we are loud because someone is just not behaving that day. In addition to that type of loudness Daniel has decided that public places are the perfect arena to practice his how loud can I scream for no reason scream. Sometimes I start to be intimidated by the stares and the "seen and not heard thought" but then by the Grace of God I remember that my children are CHILDREN! They're not perfect, quite a sin nature in fact, just like me.

There are always the wonderful people that give us the don't worry about it smile. Love, love, love those people. Many times people start talking to my children or telling about their wonderful kids and we all have a great time just enjoying children being children. The sad fact though is the others. The ones who stare at us with no smile and more annoyance in their expression. They are annoyed that we are loud. They are annoyed that we take up a whole aisle at the store. They are annoyed that my kids walk right in front of their cart...on every aisle...and pretty much get in the way every time we pass them. And yes they do ask me totally personal and rude questions. Not too much..thankfully... because my sin nature usually comes out at those times and I've been known to not always answer so kindly.

Seriously I get asked alot, if we are done! I don't always mind that question since it gives me the opportunity to talk about why we do what we do. I do, however, mind it when it is asked contemptuously. I have been told I have my hands full too many times to count and all those other expressions that people say when they don't know what to say but they feel like they have to say something about your family. In case your wondering I do have a point to this rambling.

Today, at the store, I noticed all the stares and realized it wasn't just that we have alot of kids or that my kids are noisy, or that they are so stinkin cute!!! I believe it is just because they are kids that they are annoying to some people. That is why we drug children to be quiet. We put plugs in their ears and games in their hands so that they will  be quiet, be still and quit being kids. Now don't take all this pro children talk to make you think I support undisciplined, out of control children. We are supposed to train our children to be adults someday. Someday is not today though. Is it really a big deal that my son who can't talk yet is screaming because that is how he communicates right now. Or that my son that has been in an orphanage until  5 weeks ago wants to touch everything and experience the world. Or even my other kids that like to help and sometimes when they are doing that get in other peoples way because they are still learning is that really a horrible thing? I think it is beautiful. I like that my children are alive, joyful, excited, and full of energy. I like to hear them singing out loud and out of tune songs about Jesus. I like to hear them laughing and being silly. They don't understand timing. They don't get yet that the world isn't about them. Time will pass for them too. Stores will become boring places where we are quiet and orderly (no wonder I hate shopping) They will sit quietly in Doctors offices and zone on the big tv's we now have everywhere. And in my opinion the world won't be quite as wonderful of a place.

For now though we are one of those blessed families that are heard way before they are seen and I'm okay with that.


  1. I really appreciate this post. My grandchildren can be really rowdy in public sometimes. One of them is ADHD and he can't always control his impulsiveness. When people scowl at them or mumble under their breath what they would do to make those children behave, I just think to myself that they obviously don't know the joys I know by being blessed by these kiddos. Children are a blessing! Some people just don't know what they are missing!

  2. Thanks for the support. I think we all can forget sometimes what it is like to be a child and so full of life! I'm so blessed by the sweet people that do so love children!

  3. I agree and see this too! We should take both our crews shopping together, LOL. That would show them how fun our kids are and we can tell them proudly that we aren't done yet!
