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Monday, April 15, 2013

Cast nine

Another good casting! Sasha is in good spirits and although hurting a little it is not overwhelming her. Wednesday Dad arrives and Thursday is surgery day. A friend of ours is having the same surgery the same day...praying for an easy recovery for both girls.....and then...home! Not for long but, I'm so excited to be home and see my two older boys. I'm sure they miss me telling them to clean their room :) we will leave here having done 9 casts in 5 weeks. It has been tough but so worth it to get all that casting behind us. Praying we are only a few casts away from done. Not sure what will happen next but we are hoping we can be home most the summer and enjoy some down time. Since April 2012  Jim has spent a month in Ukraine...I have spent close to 6 weeks in Ukraine and now 5 weeks in Philly...and we won't even mention all the flights that I have taken considering I hate to fly. I know we have a lot more travel to Philly in our future and many more flights but a travel free summer sounds so good right now!


  1. Great news!! I will be praying for your girl this Thursday!

  2. WooHoo!! Praying for you all and for good surgical
    recovery for the girls!!
