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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hard times

Sasha had her tendon release surgery this morning... She came out of it shrieking. ..:( I'm not sure if it is pain or all the drugs they gave her causing her to react so poorly.  It takes an unbelievable amount of drugs to barely take the edge off the pain for her.  She tells me America medicine no good! Due to the over drugging she has had in her orphanage life what would knock me out for days barely helps her. I'm praying she will fall asleep and find some relief :( Jim is doing dad duty at RMDH with Daniel who woke up with a fever :(  it's one of those days it will be good to get through. God willing tomorrow will be better.


  1. I wish you were closer so I could help somehow. So sorry about Sasha's pain. So sad because she has already been through so much. Hopefully it will help!

  2. We learned our lesson after Aaron' came out screaming from his first surgery. After that we made sure they completely drugged him!! I'm so sorry.

  3. Thanks...she is doing better now. Still really hurting but able to get through except toward the end of her pain relief time. Praying tomorrow is better.

  4. So sorry she is in such pain and you are not able to "make it better". Prayers for you and Sasha!
