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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Jet lag

Not trying to make excuses....BUT...I'm still trying to catch up on sleep...my house...my children...and all else involved in being home. I leave again in one week to pick up my daughter!! As of today she is legally and forever my daughter. The required 10 day wait is over and she is officially....Aleksandra Duval.....preferring to be called Sasha! I have no idea how my blogging will be with so much happening right now. I hope to at least post some pictures...she does not like her picture taken....as we get through the next month of her new life at home and the Christmas holidays. Thank you for your Patience I'm hoping after Christmas to be a regular blogger again. Thank you all for sharing in our journey to bring home two amazing children this year!! I do have several cards still to post and plan to get that done this week...they are in the stack of mail I'm slowly getting through. I will admit most of what I'm doing is being with my children and husband. I missed them so much and am so thankful that God brought me home safely so that I get to be with them!


  1. Oh Sherrie I am so excited for you guys! I can't wait for you to bring her home. I understand how hard it is to adjust to being home after leaving and I have only done a week at a time. Take time with your family because with the Holiday's and Sasha coming home things are going to be crazy! Hang in there and can't wait to hear how it goes when you are settled! Praying it all goes smoothly!

  2. Sasha and your family's need are the most important things at this time. Give us updates as you can and pictures as she is willing to share. Blessings!
