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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New cards!

I'm not sure the order these came so I will just post a few at a time. So thankful to all of you for remembering to still send cards. I can't wait to post the pictures of her seeing all the cards when she gets home! I will probably wait a little until I can translate to her the significance of all the people caring about her. But I know she is going to be blessed by so many cards. The card on the left is from South Africa... a place I have wanted to visit for a long time.... sent by another adoptive family that moved to South Africa so they could adopt 3 blessings. The second card is from Norway from a woman who has followed Alexis's journey since we first found out about her on another blog. I love these stories and can't wait for her to understand how intricately God has woven her into our family and into the hearts of people all over the world.

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